Why Is It A DUII In Oregon?
When it comes to driving infractions, one of the worst is undoubtedly driving under the influence. Not only does it put you in danger, but it puts others on the road in danger as well. As an experienced DUI attorney in Oregon, we handle driver license suspension cases all the time. But one of the leading questions our clients have is why it’s called a DUII in Oregon. In effect, this subtle name change was a way for the state of Oregon and the prosecuting powers to be more comprehensive against those who are driving under the influence of intoxicants. So let’s explore why it’s referred to as driving under the influence of intoxicants in Oregon.
Remember to give our team a call for a consultation if you are facing DUII charges in Bend and need dedicated and persistent representation in court. Our DUII attorneys are highly knowledgeable in the Oregon DUI laws and will do everything in their power to get you the most favorable outcome.
Expanding Influences Necessitated A New Definition
What Is Covered by the DUII Term
What’s the Difference Between DUI, DWI, and DUII?
What Happens After You’re Charged with a DUII
If you’re convicted of a first offense DUII, you may be sentenced to serve in jail or carry out community service. Your jail sentence could be as little as two days or as long as one year. Should you be sentenced to community service, you’ll be responsible for at least 80-hours but no more than 250 hours. In addition to jail or community service, there are fines involved for first time DUII. At a minimum, you will be assessed a $1000 fine plus a $255 conviction fee. The maximum fine is $6250. Additionally, you will need to complete a screening interview to figure out which substance abuse treatment program is right for you. You are responsible for completing this program as well as paying for the cost of the program and the $150 fee for the screening.
For those with first-time DUIIs, you could qualify for the diversion program offered by the state of Oregon. You will be required to plead guilty or offer no contest to the charges. Should you successfully complete the diversion program, your case will be dismissed after one year. The diversion program is an option for everyone and requires that the driver file petition within the court and pay a $490 filing fee. Additionally, you’ll need to file this petition within 30 days after being charged with a DUI.
During the program, you will be required to complete a substance abuse treatment program, refrain from using any alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicants, use an IID during the diversion program, and attend victim impact treatment sessions. After the completion of the program and paying the appropriate fees, the driver can apply to have the court dismiss the case.
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"Bryan was very straight forward as well as positive"
"I am absolutely impressed with the Donahue Law Firm"
"He’s a wonderful caring understanding person"
"I'm so very grateful to Bryan"
"I was thoroughly impressed with Attorney Bryan"